1:1 Nutrition Support

Work with me

Gut healing and healthy eating support for individuals and families ready to make a change

Proper gut health is the root of a happy, well-balanced body.

Incorporating more plants and whole foods into your diet will restore your microbiome to its optimal state. In most modern diets, fiber-rich foods are most overlooked, but once more fiber is brought into a diet, the gut starts to heal and the body begins to restore.   

When you lean into a plant-rich diet, everything starts to change: you'll lose weight, you'll sleep better, you'll have increased energy, better digestion, clearer skin, and an overall better mood. 

1:1 Nutrition support includes:

  • 60-minute initial consultation
  • 30-minute follow-up sessions
  • Personalized health plans with food, supplement and lifestyle suggestions 
  • Continuous support via email and text 

Heal your gut and see a noticeable change in your health in just a few months

My approach to achieving optimal health:

I Believe in intentional nutrition. I won't overhaul your entire way of eating unless you want me to. 

My approach is to slowly and gently reform your eating habits and restore your gut to optimal health by introducing whole foods and healing plant-based meals at a comfortable pace. Instead of taking away foods that you love to eat, I focus on what you can add to your diet. 

Over time, we'll increase the quantity of plant-rich meals, and after seeing how good your body feels with them, you'll naturally and comfortably decrease your consumption of unhealthy foods. You can still eat the foods you love while slowly taking steps to repair your gut microbiome. 

Instead of forcing you to abide by a strict eating regimen, I'll teach you a method for building healthy meals and snacks that can be used whether you're at home, out and about, or traveling. 

With the knowledge of what to eat and the formula of how to best create meals, you'll feel fully confident in taking charge of your health for the long run. 


How it works

Step 1:

First, we'll have an initial consultation (60 minutes) to discuss your health concerns

With me supporting you as you make these impactful lifestyle changes, the goal is to implement healthy, sustainable habits in place that will last a lifetime.

Step 2:

Next, I'll create a tailored plan for you or your family, taking all of your eating habits, lifestyle concerns, and, most important of all, your favorite foods into account

Step 3:

Then, we'll have a follow-up consultation (30 minutes), where I'll review your plan 

Step 4:

We'll continue to meet as often as needed. 


Create a new standard of health for your family

While I specialize in individuals wanting a new approach to reaching optimal health, I also offer nutrition support for the whole family. 

During family-based nutritional support programs, we'll follow the same protocol (including an initial consult and follow-up calls). Health plans would take each member of your family into account, including their respective school or work schedules. Set a new standard for health and make lasting changes for your family that increase longevity, health, and happiness.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are your sessions covered by insurance? 

No, unfortunately not. My services are paid out of pocket.

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Yes, I offer nutritional support for the whole family. Please get in touch with me with any questions you may have or schedule a consultation. 

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During our consultation, I’ll suggest a list of relevant lab tests that you can do with your medical practitioner. Once you have received the results, I’ll review them with you and explain anything you don’t understand.

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Yes! Whether you’re vegan, pescatarian, eat meat, or follow a particular diet, I’ll take your food preferences into account and create a program perfectly tailored for you. 

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 I have food intolerances. Will these be noted?

Of course! Any allergies, food intolerances, or foods you don’t like will be taken into account.

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How long will it take for me to start seeing results? 

Each body is different. Where one person may see results quickly, another may take some time to notice a change. Soon after you start eating more whole foods in plant-rich meals, you should feel a difference in your energy levels and general digestion. True transformation can take time, this work is not a quick fix but it is extremely valuable and worth it. 

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Step into a new era of health, happiness, and vitality.